Rabu, 16 Desember 2009
23 Aparat Penegak Hukum NTB Mengikuti Pelatihan Trafficking
Hal ini sangatlah penting justru kami mengundang ibu Irawati Harsono langsung dari Mabes Polri sebagai Fasilitator mengingat masih banyak aparat kita khususnya di NTB yang masih kurang atau bahkan belum memahami sama sekali tentang Traficking terutama yang berada di daerah-daerah terpencil, Harapan kami semoga pelatihan yang diadakan oleh LBH APIK NTB dengan peserta sebanyak 23 orang se NTB ini dapat bermanfaat dan di jadikan pedoman dalam pelaksanaan tugas di lapangan dan tidak ada lagi perbedaan persepsi baik di Kepolisian, Kejaksaan dan Pengadilan.
Penegak Hukum,
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009
Case 8 Women and Children from Sumba Become Victims of Trafficking
back again in my little doodle. So now we will discuss a little about human trafficking in Indonesia, especially in Sumba...
The victims remained silent when the investigation was carried out at the Mataram Police PPA, they did not want to reveal who had actually recruited them, according to their confessions they left their respective villages to look for work in Bali because there were promises of jobs as domestic workers, factory workers and other workers they finally left their village, because they were promised jobs by their relatives in Bali, even the confession of one of the victims said that he had worked in Bali as a laborer in a plastic factory and now his goal is to return to work there for several months then he could return to his hometown. They departed on Saturday and met at Wei Kello harbor and bought tickets for Rp. 70 thousand for Safe's destination, after arriving at Safe they spent the night somewhere and for what purpose no one knows and wants to inform who gathered them there. The next day they continued their journey to Bima using the Prima Indah bus, when they arrived in Bima they continued their journey by using the Surabaya Indah bus to Mataram. Upon arrival at the Mandalika terminal, they used a different bus to go to Bali, but when they were about to depart, they were taken care of by officers on the grounds that they did not have complete travel documents and no one was escorting them. Until now there is no clarity about who the perpetrators are recruiting and want to take advantage of the children who will be exploited because all the documents including crossing tickets have been secured by the perpetrators. In fact, this case has not only happened this time, but it has happened several times, do you still remember that a few months ago you also caught 12 children who were also sent from Sumba to Bali with the same modus and operandi and without a clear legal process? from the police. It is our hope that similar incidents will not happen again, so the firmness and performance of the police is urgently needed in carrying out investigations and increasing cross-regional synergy and coordination, especially with the Sumba area which has been proven several times to be a sending area for trafficking and has made NTB a transit area, moreover Currently NTB already has a task force at the provincial level which can be used as a strong foundation for eradicating the crime of trafficking in persons because the modus operandi is a strong network and this exists in every region and it is impossible to carry it out without the commitment and cooperation Good. Until now, 8 victims are still being accommodated in the Prop Social Service Shelter. Mataram while waiting for the next process from the legal apparatus and his return to his place of origin.
Senin, 03 Agustus 2009
4 Years for Trafficking
A few months ago, we from LBH APIK NTB provided assistance to victims of trafficking from East Java. The two traffickers were successfully sentenced to 4 years in prison each, a fine of Rp. 120,000,0000, and a subsidiary of 3 months in prison. Now the Mataram District Court is back to hearing the case of the Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons. The victim named Al (15 years old) comes from Probolinggo while the defendant AR was subject to Article 2 of the PTPPO Law concerning the crime of trafficking in persons that occurred in the country. Now the defendant is in the detention cell because he violated the law under the guise of being a pimp and selling the victim who is underage to every man who bogged him down. For almost a month, the trafficking victim from Probolinggo had to do this job. Every time she sold herself, she was kept by her employer (the defendant). The victim was under close supervision from the defendant. Every time she left, the victim was always accompanied by her employer's men. We hope that the perpetrators will receive the same punishment as the traffickers who were successfully convicted yesterday. Even because the victim is underage, the defendant must receive a more severe sentence, which must be added to one third of the results to be sentenced later. One thing that must be obtained in this case is that the victim has the right to receive restitution which is a victim of the perpetrator's actions which have an impact on losses to the victim.
Thanks, APIK NTB
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
Kasus perdagangan perempuan
Dua kasus Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang yang kini sedang menjalani persidangkan di PN Negeri Mataram masing –masing di kenakan tuntutan selama 8 tahun penjara sesuai ancaman pidana pasal 2 UU 21 Tahun 2007 yaitu paling singkat 3 Tahun dan paling lama 15 Tahun oleh jaksa penuntut umum ( Sahdi dan Marullah ), kedua pelaku yang berinisial JP dan MS masih mendekam di dalam sel tahanan tinggal menunggu putusan hakim. Apa yang di tunggu – tunggu akhirnya menjadi kenyataan kamis 12 Mei 2009 kemarin Hakim ( Mion Ginting ) menjatuhkan vonis selama 4 tahun penjara bagi JP ( Jepang ) dan denda sebesar 120 juta Subsider 6 bulan. Sidang kemarin di gelar untuk umum, untuk pertama kalinya majelis hakim PN Mataram menyidangkan kasus Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang dengan mempergunakan UU 21 tahun 2007 dan pelakunya di kenakan sangsi penjara yang cukup berat, namun sayangnya dalam sidang kedua yaitu putusan bagi pelaku MS ( Munasir ) dalam kasus yang sama sidangnya di tunda minggu depan, semoga ini akan memberi pelajaran bagi kita semua bahwa Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang merupakan Kejahatan kemanusiaan yang perlu di berantas, dalam kasus ini NTB bukan saja sebagai daerah pengirim dan transit namun kenyataanya NTB juga sebagai daerah penerima khususnya perempuan dan anak yang berasal dari luar daerah terutama jawa seperti apa yang di alami oleh kedua korban asal Jawa Timur ini, mereka sebenarnya adalah korban ekploitasi seksual yang terjadi di dalam wilayah Negara RI dengan tujuan untuk keuntungan semata oleh pelaku.
Semoga dalam kasus ini dapat di jadikan pelajaran bagi kita semua dan suatu penghargaan bagi aparat penegak hukum karena merupakan kinerja yang baik antara aparat kepolisian khususnya Polda NTB, Kejaksaan Tinggi Mataram dan Pengadilan Negeri Mataram dalam mengungkap dan memberantas terjadinya Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang khususnya di NTB.
Semoga dalam kasus ini dapat di jadikan pelajaran bagi kita semua dan suatu penghargaan bagi aparat penegak hukum karena merupakan kinerja yang baik antara aparat kepolisian khususnya Polda NTB, Kejaksaan Tinggi Mataram dan Pengadilan Negeri Mataram dalam mengungkap dan memberantas terjadinya Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang khususnya di NTB.
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